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Introducing the Same Old Me

Natalie Aspen Trinket

This is a topic that means a lot to me so I’ll be keeping it pinned to the top of my blog, and it would mean even more if you’d be willing to read what I have to say.

The past few months have really torn me up in more ways than I can count, but I’d like to think that there’s some good coming out of it at least. When I started to rebuild myself after being sick for so many months, I realized that there is something that I can’t ignore anymore and that I hope will start to change me for the better. While I’ve known about it my whole life, I’ve always ignored it for one reason or another, or just being a suborn moron to be honest. So now that I’m having to rework my life style basically from the ground up, it’s time I start being who I know that I am.

While this may not match up with the image some of you have of me, I am Transgender. I’ve known this for literally my entire life, and that’s not me being hyperbolic. As far back as I can remember that’s been who I am, so I won’t change just because I’m presenting differently. I am still mov, and have always been mov, just like I am trans, and have always been trans. So if me saying this changes how any of you think about me, please consider that I haven’t changed between now and then.

After today, I’ll be using She/Her pronouns but I’ll still be going by mov. And don’t worry, I’ll never drop that name, it is my name <3 though you may see me use nat now and then. I hope that this is a good move for myself and the community on a whole, and hopefully I can start to be more comfortable as an individual soon.

I have a few blog posts sorted that I’ll be linking below, but if you have any sincere questions please ask. Though I’m not likely to ask any questions about transition plans right now, or in the future, due to how personal and complicated they can be.

Thank you to those of you that read this, and a double thank you to everyone who has helped me over the past couple of months as I’ve prepared for this. You all know who you are, and I could never, ever thank you enough for being some of the most supportive friends I’ve ever had.