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My Stance on Transgender Debates


I’m not open to debates about my identity or the validity of transgender people. However, if you have an honest question, you would like an answer to, don’t be afraid to ask. If you’re respectful about it, I’ll likely answer it as best I can from my perspective. Just keep in mind that I’m not a biologist, psychologist, or in any other way qualified to speak on general transgender topics. I am one transgender individual, and I should not have to be ready to defend my right to exist at any moment to any other individual who approaches me.

To put my general stance incredibly simply, I believe everyone has a right to exist comfortably in their own skin and that it’s far easier to just be nice to people. So as long as someone’s personal, comfortable existence isn’t harming anyone, just be nice and leave them be.

Obviously, that comes with plenty of caveats, but I don’t want to get into the details here. There’s more harm in trying to prosecute someone for being who they are than there is in just leaving them be if they aren’t doing any harm already. So if you really feel the need to debate my, or anyone else’s, right to exist, just don’t and we’ll get along just fine. @column I am still more than “just” transgender, and seeing as I’ve known who I am for my entire life I will not change what I do now that I’m not hiding it. I don’t want to have to always to be on guard for people trying to invalidate who I am or grilling me on topics that I’ve likely been asked about before or even that I don’t know at all. So I’m likely just going to ignore most of the politically or scientifically oriented transgender questions. I’m not an expert, and to be honest, I will not try to be. I just want to be me and see where that takes me. My plan is to work with my care team and do the research that I need to, but I will not debate it with anyone, that’s just not who I am.