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Why Trinket?

Natalie Aspen Trinket

Up to this point I've only been asked this question once, but a combination of the assumptions I can see being made and what it actually means to me makes me want to write something up in regards to my chosen last name, Trinket.

While I dislike my height and size, neither of those points are significant enough to factor into my choice of the name. It comes down to what the word itself means, and less so on to do with the common connotation of it having to be an object small in size.

To me a trinket in this context is something that is insignificant or even trash to anyone but those who cherish it. Things like the collectors items that fill thrift stores that sell for hundreds of dollars to the right seller, or an obscure tool in a workshop that was handmade by it's owner and only lives on as an antique. These objects have stories, and in many cases once had a reason for being as they are. Some of them can even be useful again in the right hands, such as old computer parts, books, or tools.

Those things that people make, that inspire people to care for them long after they would have otherwise died is something that has always inspired me to make things that fit the same framework. Something that can survive on it's own. That people would even want to care for or would have a need to keep. That when all else fails, my thing is something that inspires someone, or that they can rely on to work, or reference, or just believe in.

Those are the ideals that I want to take into my work. No grand design, no master project. Little things that live beyond me and will be cherished by people I never meet but through my things I will be useful to them regardless.