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Time Doesn't Fly

Natalie Aspen Trinket

Time doesn't fly, it falls with everything else, accumulating with the mess we live through. If time were to fly, it would be a fleeting thing, something that we notice on the sidelines or admire on the rare occasions that it stands still. Instead it crashes into us like a waterfall, and builds up below us like sand, weighing us down as we age. Tearing the things we build to pieces and wearing down our bodies with each grain we are hit with.

We can't ignore it, it's always there allowing us to exist and fueling our greatest fears. Flight on the other hand is the fuel for our dreams, from Leonardo da Vinci being inspired by birds to build his flying machines, all the way to our dreams of riding to the stars on rockets, flight has been our aspiration while time has been working against us. It's limited our lifespans and the scope of our works, instilled fear of the end of days, and given power to people who claim to have the answer to eternal life outside of the reaches of the pain that times brings to us. Time takes our friends and family away, it reminds us every day that things will always change, both the good and the bad. It can never fly, because flying is too beautiful a word and too easily missed by those standing still, time falls, it lands beside us, it lives with us, it acts on everything it hits and will never stop falling. Time doesn't fly, it falls with everything else, bearing down on us with a weight known through the ages.