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20 posts tagged with "Abstract"

A catch all tag for random ramblings of mine. Often consisting of poetry and internal commentary.

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Drawn Out


The world shakes
As the morning wakes
To a shattered fate
A mourning mate

The aftermath of lives past
Their tortured mind all but ash
Drawn out over static facts
A bed of nails and wax

The World Reeks


The world reeks of beautiful waste
Of stories told with volatile taste
A human mind seeks with haste
Each source of this rancid trace

The Metal Daisy


Sunshine on a metal daisy
A pure form of life gone crazy
Metallic crystals of insanity
Structure built and straining
A shape captured vaguely
A world its bent on fixing

Burning Man


A burning man feels no pain, only fire
Pain has no meaning to those consumed
Fated to burn by the shadow lights desire
A torture of mind with body all but doomed

Warped Time


Warping moments surround my days
an hour lost to seconds in haze
forever lost amidst years of maze
seconds shatter frame by frame

Travel Dearly


Worry not dear traveler, your path is mutable. But your mind must be clear to find your way.
While time is short, your anxiety serves only to lengthen the the trail. Wait, breath, and decide on the steps you need. To fret over the distance in between is the opposite of required.

While you may not get everything done this time around, and some things may not work out the way you wanted, travel dearly, and learn from your mistakes. Change them next time. Take that breath, take that moment. Remember your reasons, remember your why.

Every step you take, every tumble and fall is a story with the ability to change your course. Every mistake a chance to change, each thought a chance to scream out.

Worry not dear traveler, your path is mutable, and you are the captain of it all.

The Morning of Fall


The very air reeks of rotting stone
in between tar and decrepit home
The heat but a memory lost and thrown
Every breath of wind a has a mind of its own

Tears of salt


Sweat these tears of salt
The result of many years assault
Burn through bone breathing out
Everyday a rebound, a renewed bout
Forever living a fighting scout

The City of Clay


The grand scale of such a place
Echos racing across this vast space
The empty sound betraying the shape
Drawn out dry while holding a great face
Standing tall and proud, facing the great escape