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2 posts tagged with "The Mandates Handbook"

An optimistic "start" to the Mandates story.

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HandBook Preface

Natalie Aspen Trinket

The following entries have been translated and reconstructed from a signal of unknown origin or direction.

We as The Archivists have made efforts to remove any of our guesswork on what these entries mean or where they are coming from, and have focused solely on making out what they say. If we are unable to discern the meaning behind a section it will be marked or noted, and when we have the ability to correct the missing information we will do so. New entries may, and have so far, give us new information about what we've already translated and the old translations will be adjusted only to correct translations or missing information.

Chapter 5: The Ascension

Natalie Aspen Trinket

A Mandate's Handbook

Chapter 5: The Ascension

One of the inevitable facts of being a *** is that you will eventually *** enough *** to ascend. Despite the generous wording, most of us want to avoid leaving our life behind and fight against it for as long as we can. We don't know where it is that we Ascend too, but something pulls the *** us there and it seems like we can never come back. Many have promised to return or communicate and we have never heard from them again. Always remember that there is no coming back from Ascension!