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8 posts tagged with "The Mandates"

A world I've been story-crafting with my brother since I was like, 13.

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HandBook Preface

Natalie Aspen Trinket

The following entries have been translated and reconstructed from a signal of unknown origin or direction.

We as The Archivists have made efforts to remove any of our guesswork on what these entries mean or where they are coming from, and have focused solely on making out what they say. If we are unable to discern the meaning behind a section it will be marked or noted, and when we have the ability to correct the missing information we will do so. New entries may, and have so far, give us new information about what we've already translated and the old translations will be adjusted only to correct translations or missing information.

Chapter 5: The Ascension

Natalie Aspen Trinket

A Mandate's Handbook

Chapter 5: The Ascension

One of the inevitable facts of being a *** is that you will eventually *** enough *** to ascend. Despite the generous wording, most of us want to avoid leaving our life behind and fight against it for as long as we can. We don't know where it is that we Ascend too, but something pulls the *** us there and it seems like we can never come back. Many have promised to return or communicate and we have never heard from them again. Always remember that there is no coming back from Ascension!

A Brothers Chaos


Of the two brothers one stood out. He was the louder and more enthusiastic one. As opposed to his counterpart who watched from the background, carefully planning each action. The grander brother rushed through ther plan and couldn’t sit still while the universe was defined. Facinated with every machination of their nature he did an uncountable number of expiriments that have altered the world they were building, so manny that even they could not predict their reprecusions.

A Brothers Hand


The first brothers had a certain synergy, largley held up by the tempurate actions of the younger. Always ensuring that his brothers actions would be fruitfull, watching from behind the curtain and pushing the world towards order. He loved his brothers messes and was enthralled by guiding them to their shared goal. Each new crux of disorder was a place their dreams could be born. He shadowed his brother, watching the proceses unfold in his wake, altering the laws they had laid in sequnce to fit their visions.

The first brothers (lore concept)


There was a time in the past, a time where location was nonsense and the all-powerful had not yet been forged. In this abstract place when time never changed a spark hotter than any that will ever exist made itself. That spark had been on a quest to forge a world of beauty and free will, things that had been long lost in it’s home. From that spark grew two beings, entities of creation whose definitions did not yet exist, by today’s words they were the first brothers.

The First Day


The mandates have been a catch all for my dreams and aspirations for almost as long as I’ve had any sort of presence online. They were born of boredom on one of the early days of my first job, wandering around the parking lot thinking of a way to meld different stories. Essentially I was trying to figure out a way to build a world in which any character would fit. Seems like a simple idea, but the answer I came up with has a lot of ramifications.

The Mandates: Introduction


The story

Imagine the world around you being made up of infinitesimally small parts interacting by defined rules to form what you inherently know to be real. Layer upon layer of static buzzing around and making the world by emergence. Every object standing out only by its properties and definition. This is the world through the eye of a mandate. This is the world as you would see it at the smallest scale.

Student and Master


I wrote this all the way back in 2018, before I had a blog, and decided to publish it now because it came up as possibly relevent in a conversation with my brother. In any case, wether relevent or not, it is a story that I'm proud of. The formatting is awful, and I could do a lot better in describing minor actions and feelings, but it was a start for me.

I've posted it here with no changes other than bolding the speakers name and putting non spoken words in italics, hopefully making it easier to read. Everything else, including the text walls, odd uses of quotations, and uses of motions vs thought is exactly how I wrote it in 2018.