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Audio processing with Mov


You know that person that always tries to finish your sentences for you, trying to prove that they have a sense of the world around them by making an assumption and rolling with it? Well everyone does that, or at least their brain does. When you hear something your brain tries to predict what it is as soon as the sound begins, the more information it receives the more defined of an idea it has. As it hears a word in the sound it switches to recognizing speech, and tries to make it easier to understand malformed sound by predicting hat word will come next. This can make it hard to understand people who have a different accent than you, or if the topic suddenly veers off course from what you were expecting. If you pay attention there is always a part of your mind running those predictions when your talking with someone, a part of you trying to make the audio processing job easier by ruling out words based on context. A sort of echo in the background of your thoughts that jumps in reaction to every new word.

Drawn Out


The world shakes
As the morning wakes
To a shattered fate
A mourning mate

The aftermath of lives past
Their tortured mind all but ash
Drawn out over static facts
A bed of nails and wax

The World Reeks


The world reeks of beautiful waste
Of stories told with volatile taste
A human mind seeks with haste
Each source of this rancid trace

The First Day


The mandates have been a catch all for my dreams and aspirations for almost as long as I’ve had any sort of presence online. They were born of boredom on one of the early days of my first job, wandering around the parking lot thinking of a way to meld different stories. Essentially I was trying to figure out a way to build a world in which any character would fit. Seems like a simple idea, but the answer I came up with has a lot of ramifications.

A Changing Mind


Time is strange, the changes it incites in the world happens at such a scale and is so ingrained in how we function that we can’t escape the limitations it imposes. As we travel forward with time its effects change both us and our environment. Moments pass and leave nothing unadjusted, everything altered by its incessant march. Growth and rot share this friend in common. Change over time a helping hand to all, both willing and mindless.

The Metal Daisy


Sunshine on a metal daisy
A pure form of life gone crazy
Metallic crystals of insanity
Structure built and straining
A shape captured vaguely
A world its bent on fixing

In Different Tones


The world screams in different tones. From the thoughts of fleshed minds comes the multi toned cacophony of need that permeates our world. We all desire something, those desires changing in intensity and focus every moment of every day throughout our lives. Desire fuels our actions and by those actions our next desire is defined, our thoughts formed by our surroundings.

Burning Man


A burning man feels no pain, only fire
Pain has no meaning to those consumed
Fated to burn by the shadow lights desire
A torture of mind with body all but doomed