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Learning a New Skill


I’m constantly learning, taking on projects that need a whole new approach and expand my ability to express myself. Most of them I’ve been trying to do for years, and there is generally one reason for why I continually fail at them. I don’t know if I go in with my expectations too high or if I start digging to deep too early on, but I get overwhelmed by the limitations and constraints of the medium. I wish that I could just think the thing into existence. I see it, why can’t it just be that easy? Whether its a new coding language, art style, program, or type of digital media I get lost in all of the options and what I want out of them. It always leads to me picking up small parts each time I try it while getting slowly better and more comfortable with it. It’s a frustrating loop that degrades motivation and progress.

Warped Time


Warping moments surround my days
an hour lost to seconds in haze
forever lost amidst years of maze
seconds shatter frame by frame

Travel Dearly


Worry not dear traveler, your path is mutable. But your mind must be clear to find your way.
While time is short, your anxiety serves only to lengthen the the trail. Wait, breath, and decide on the steps you need. To fret over the distance in between is the opposite of required.

While you may not get everything done this time around, and some things may not work out the way you wanted, travel dearly, and learn from your mistakes. Change them next time. Take that breath, take that moment. Remember your reasons, remember your why.

Every step you take, every tumble and fall is a story with the ability to change your course. Every mistake a chance to change, each thought a chance to scream out.

Worry not dear traveler, your path is mutable, and you are the captain of it all.

A Taste of Heat



Taste the swirling air travel over your tongue, every angle of the invisible blades leaving their own distinct mark. Indescribable differences outlined in memory and yearned for with every breath. Every moment , every rush of new air opens a vision to a new world unseen by the eyes of man, and yet tainted by its tongue. A vision of the future, of what can be, of what to do!

My Minecraft Addiction


What is it

Minecraft, at the surface, is a simple game. You are given simple items and objects with easy to understand mechanics that, at face value, don’t do much. Much of the game play and story is left up to the player, there is no set meta or overarching style to the game that can be defined by any one person. It really is a game where every person is left to do what they want. It’s a gameplay style that has flaws, sure. But at its core it’s designed to be open and welcoming to as many people as possible. A place for anyone to find a friend, where anyone can find meaning in the digital age.

The Morning of Fall


The very air reeks of rotting stone
in between tar and decrepit home
The heat but a memory lost and thrown
Every breath of wind a has a mind of its own

of Motion and Meaning


The world screams of motion and meaning, of a story told in echos and shock waves. A sound contains more meaning than the information it conveys, but rather a whole scene laid out for the mind to interpret. A voice holds more than the person and the words, but the emotion and stance of the individual. The sound of a passing car can be more than an annoyance in a busy life, but can be a terrifying wind up as it nears a life altering moment.

Tears of salt


Sweat these tears of salt
The result of many years assault
Burn through bone breathing out
Everyday a rebound, a renewed bout
Forever living a fighting scout

The Mandates: Introduction


The story

Imagine the world around you being made up of infinitesimally small parts interacting by defined rules to form what you inherently know to be real. Layer upon layer of static buzzing around and making the world by emergence. Every object standing out only by its properties and definition. This is the world through the eye of a mandate. This is the world as you would see it at the smallest scale.

A Passion for Simple Knowledge


Through me, the world screams.

Every sound and vibration in the environment around me is imperative. A key piece to what approaches, to the story that unfolds in my vicinity. Every piece of information is something that I can use, something that can start its own story or be its own work. A drawing, hours dedicated to research, a problem that I didn’t know about, or a solution to something years away.