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The City of Clay


The grand scale of such a place
Echos racing across this vast space
The empty sound betraying the shape
Drawn out dry while holding a great face
Standing tall and proud, facing the great escape

The Scene


To me, the world screams. Every ounce of air vibrating in perfect silence. Every detail standing out against the static filled background. Patterns consisting of objects in motion leaping forth demanding attention. Grand schemes standing out in relief against a scene so vast itself is comprised of worlds in countless scales and forms.

Student and Master


I wrote this all the way back in 2018, before I had a blog, and decided to publish it now because it came up as possibly relevent in a conversation with my brother. In any case, wether relevent or not, it is a story that I'm proud of. The formatting is awful, and I could do a lot better in describing minor actions and feelings, but it was a start for me.

I've posted it here with no changes other than bolding the speakers name and putting non spoken words in italics, hopefully making it easier to read. Everything else, including the text walls, odd uses of quotations, and uses of motions vs thought is exactly how I wrote it in 2018.