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Purchase a Stall

If you want to open a shop at the public Market area you can purchase land on the island. The system is designed to be as flexible as possible for your designs, the best way to get a stall is to follow the steps below.

  1. Pick out the size of stall you want
    1. You can mix and match the plot sizes. So if your shop isn't square you can build your plot to match what you need!
    2. Add up the cost of your plot using the chart below or the example area at the market island. Remember the amount you'll need to pay!
  2. Select an area you want to build your stall in
    1. Make sure your plot location follows the rules listed on this page ♥
    2. Take note of the coordinates, you'll need them to register your plot!
  3. After getting the size, shape, and location of your plot, mark out the area you intend to build at and rename a piece of paper following the below format.
    1. <Your-Username> - <X,Z> - <Pay-Amount>
    2. Using the above format, if I bought a plot at X 45 and Z 92 for 4 diamonds my paper would be named:
      naspen - 45,92 - 4d
  4. Take that paper and your payment to the chest in front of the dead fish hall (Name Pending).
    1. Don't take any other payments in the chest.
    2. Don't worry if you mix the payments up.
  5. Once that's done you now own the stall! Congratulations!
    1. A staff member will be around to confirm your purchase by checking the chest.


  • Your build must fit into the land you've purchased
  • Your plot can not intersect or directly touch another player's plot. Please keep 5 blocks between your plot and other plots unless you have that player's permission.
  • No intentional player traps
  • If you're selling something then it should be clear what you're selling
    • If you're selling a mystery box, the type of items inside must be displayed in some way
  • Please put effort into your build
  • If your shop has been abandoned you'll be contacted on Discord about what can be done with it.

Stall Sizes

Property SizeCostTotal AreaPrice/Block