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New Origin

Any time you hold a lodestone compass you'll get your current offset from the linked lodestone and if you add a number encased in () then that number will be changed to green when any of the coordinates match it.


💡 It doesn’t matter if the coordinate is positive or negative, it will match the provided number. IE (10) will match both -10 and 10 but (-10) won’t match anything because it’s not considered a number.

Spectator Mode

All players can move between spectator mode and survival mode freely. You can do this by running the /gms command to switch to survival mode, /gmsp to switch to spectator mode, or /gmtoggle to switch to the opposite of your current mode. You will always be returned to the last location you were in survival at. This helps prevent players from taking advantage of the ability. You’ll be notified of the location you’re being returned to when you change to spectator mode and you can check again by running the /gmreturn command while in spectator mode.


Players can select a prefix out of a list of their inherited prefixes or a custom prefix if they have the permission to do so. You can find the list of prefixes you can use by running /prefix.


Some players have the ability to set a custom nickname with colors by using the /nick command. Check out the ranks(soon) page for information on who can set a nickname.