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Hearth and Home


A claiming plugin based around structures and blocks that the player places instead of the use of commands or tools. The idea is to limit claimed areas to the spaces that a structure has been actually built, but still make claiming an active process that the player has to think about in some way.

Claiming Blocks

The blocks used for claiming would be blocks that designate some kind of “Hearth” or “Home”, things that are traditionally or mechanically used to mark an area for some purpose. The claim size of each block would depend on the difficulty of obtaining or an existing effective range of the block in question. Examples are listed below.

BlockRangeExtra Effect
Camp Fire48 blocksSafety*
BeaconBeacon's range
Enchanting Table64 blocks
Lectern32 blocksModification*

The safety effect provided by campfires would prevent mob spawns within their range. Only active when the campfire is signaling.


The modification effect is less of an effect and more of a feature. Lecterns would be the primary way of interacting with an existing claim and would be used for adding new players to a claim or modifying permissions for non-members.


To create a Claim, you’d have to hold a book in your off hand and a Claim Block in your main hand. As you do so the range of the Claim would be highlighted in the world and when you place the block the claim would be created and you’d be granted a deed. The deed would consume the book and would consist of a written book containing basic information about the claim. The book would be editable on it’s own or through a lectern on the claim that’s been placed as a claim block.

Claim Block vs Non-Claim Block

If a Claim Block is placed when not holding a book or a deed, it’s just a regular block of that type, causing no restrictions on regular game-play. The claim highlight would show any time you’re holding the Deed in your off or main hand.

Adding new Claim Blocks

When you hold the deed in your off hand and a claim block in your main hand, the area that the claim block will claim will be highlighted. Then when placing the block the whole claim will remain highlighted in a different color or block than what would be highlighted by the claim block you’re holding.

I’d like claims to not have to be continuous. But I’d need a way to link multiple regions so that I can modify the settings for each one at the same time. That would make it easier for players to manage towns that spread over large areas without claiming land that they don’t need.